Darcy Neal Donnelly

Neal's head shot

Treasurer as of January 1, 2025


I am a Husband, Dad, Grand-Dad, Truck Driver and believe in the voluntary free market principles of exchanging personal effort and private properties including both fixed properties and portable properties for the mutual and greater benefits of individuals, families, associations and communities.

The economy truly consist of individuals trading for free, volunteering, donating, contributing to other individuals, associations and community causes or activities they individual choose for themselves. The other equation in the economy consist of individuals trading for a fee, to earn in exchange such private portable properties as money, food, clothing, tools, equipment, vehicles and fixed properties such as land, homes, workshops, barns, warehouses, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, office towers, mines, railroads, airports and even roads. The creation of private properties is facilitated by the liberated minds of individuals in their private self-initiated pursuits.

In my mind, I try to think in libertarian principles. Do good for others while trying to restrict my natural human tendencies to initiate coercive aggressive force upon others. Do no harm to other individual lives, health, wealth and beneficiary activities. Stop people from initiating coercive aggressive force upon others. It's a crime to hurt people and that's why we seek governing protection and defensive forces. I also believe in limiting the governing retaliatory coercive and aggressing force that develops naturally in collective authorities. When left unchecked by individual efforts (freedom of speech, freedom of associations, freedom of enterprise and freedom to protect / defend ourselves), collective governing authorities develop into totalitarian States. Obey for the greater good of those governing. I disagree with that philosophy.

I agree with the libertarian philosophy of protecting individual freedoms and personal responsibilities for oneself and for others. I care the most for my family. I sacrifice some of my time, energy, effort and resources for the benefit of my family and extended family members. I also care very much about my capacity to earn a living in the for fee economy. In addition, I do care about my community where I associate with neighbours in various community activities and events. I was a volunteer soccer coach for awhile.

I have been voluntary associated with Libertarian political parties since 2011. I freely choose to commit some of my time, energy, effort and resources in my personal pursuit to help the Libertarian Parties. I ran as a Libertarian candidate in 5 election contest just to help spread an awareness of the libertarian principles and political organizations. I have voluntary chosen to accept the fiduciary duty of the Treasurer position on the Executive Board of the Ontario Libertarian Party. The voting membership present and online at the last Convention have granted me their permission to serve their interest in the party's financial affairs while keeping the party in compliance with the governing authority of Elections Ontario.

My service to the party is within the free economy but the party must function and operate within the fee economy. Individuals are encouraged to consider contributing a little time, energy, effort and especially private portable property (money) to the Ontario Libertarian Party. Nothing happens until someone initiates good for others. If you are passionate about individuals freedoms, personal responsibilities and limiting governing coercive aggressive force. Join us and contribute what you freely choose to give.

I and the party executives and especially the voting parties members are very appreciative and grateful for your generous allocations to our party.

Thank you for reading my story and I wish you a very liberating experience in your life
