
The candidate has been officially certified as a candidate by Elections Ontario.

James Schulz

James Schulz

Having grown up here, I am very familiar with the City of Waterloo and have seen its growth first hand. My roots have remained strong, and I care about our community and the people who live here.

I’ve always been interested in the social sciences, especially history and politics. In fact, I job shadowed former City of Waterloo Councillor Mark Whaley when I was in the 8th grade. That opportunity sparked my interest in politics, and I was completely engaged by the time Civics was offered in high school. I ran as the Libertarian candidate in the 2014 election and have learned so much since then.

I’ve been working in construction for the past decade. I have worked on many buildings with many people. I’ve always been a natural leader, a good mediator and problem solver Unfortunately, there’s no one size fits all solution to fix government. Communities are made by people working together, and I want to work with the region and everyone in it.

I have spent time on both the east and west coasts of Canada, as well as the Territories up north. Now that I am home in Waterloo, I want to use these experiences to help build a stronger community by working together with citizens to make it better for everyone. We need to stand together as Canadians, not let the political parties divide us through tax funded attack ads.

If we want our government to work for us, we need better local representation. When you vote for your MPP, what power do they have? They have no real power to enact change in your area without permission from the provincial government. I want to reconnect the people and support communities by giving the power back to the people and empowering local government and increasing government accountability. Your tax dollars should be going to your community, not to the province. This is why I plan to cut taxes. I will cut unnecessary, mismanaged government spending on things like election campaigns, operating expenses and administrative costs.

I believe that Canadians care about each other. I believe that they want to take care of each other, and I want to give them the chance to do so.

Ken Byma

Ken Byma

Hello everyone, my name is Ken Byma. I am new to the political scene, but I've been a hard-core Libertarian for decades.

I've lived in London-west for over 15 years now. The reason I am running in this election is because I have personally experienced a severe decline in our public services over the last decade.

I've been a blue collared worker my whole life. In 2018, I suffered a significant workplace injury that has affected my life significantly. Even with multiple insurances and social healthcare, I was left to fend for myself. The last 7 years have been very challenging. I hear healthcare horror stories from friends and family constantly.

Our system has failed and is basically non-existent for many of us. As a libertarian candidate, I promise to stand up for everyone's civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of thought and choice. I look forward to representing everyone in my constituency, including those who are dealing with their own struggles. I also look forward to the new opportunity and appreciate your support.

Ken Byma, London West

Sean Conroy

Sean Conroy

My name is Sean Conroy, and I am your Ontario Libertarian Candidate for York - Simcoe.

I have been a resident of Georgina since 1985. I have grown up enjoying this amazing riding and all the wonderful amenities it provides, and am proud to be raising my children here.

I have spent my career working in the live event industry, working with diverse clients and organizations across Ontario. My experiences have exposed me to the concerns of various groups and despite their differences, they all share the same general concerns and frustrations about government policies. These frustrations are not blamed only on one particular party, but on systemic issues shared by every party who has been in power over many decades. 

I envision a thriving Ontario built on limited government, free markets, and individual liberties. This means reducing the size and cost of government and implementing sensible economic policies. I will champion individual rights (freedom of expression, bodily autonomy), property rights and I will stand up for businesses.

With your support, I will hold established political parties accountable for wasteful spending, bureaucratic bloat, and ineffective programs. My motivation for entering politics stems from a deep concern about government overreach. The established parties prioritize divisive tactics and dictating morality over genuine service to the people who elected them. They've lost sight of their fundamental responsibility. I will work to ensure that your Freedom of Choice is central to all decision-making while holding government accountable to you. 

Erin Patterson

Erin Patterson

My name is Erin Patterson, and I am honoured to be the candidate for Barrie-Springwater-Oro Medonte district for the Ontario Libertarian Party.

I have lived in this riding my entire life, growing up rurally in Springwater township. I have the best memories of spending time on my grandparent's farm with my cousins.  I am fortunate to now share those experiences with my children as we live on my grandparent's homestead and have a little hobby farm where our children can enjoy the lifestyle and freedoms it has to offer. Family and community are very important in my eyes.

I have a very strong love for all animals, and I volunteer as a board member for MTM Conservation.  As a Herbalist, I love spending time out exploring the different trails in Springwater. My small business has helped me meet so many wonderful people.

I am running as a candidate because I feel our government has lost sight of what their purpose is and is no longer serving its people.  I feel there needs to be accountability, and it's beyond time they started listening to what the people need and want.  I feel government spending needs to be focused on the needs of Canadians, and Healthcare needs to be a top priority.  It's time for change.

Our current popular "four party" options have proven in my eyes they do not have Canadian's best interests as their number one priority. I have recently discovered the Ontario Libertarian Party and strongly agree with their core values, especially personal rights and freedoms.

In this upcoming Provincial election, you have another choice and I would be proud to be your voice!


Michael Butt

Michael Butt

Michael lives in Owen Sound with his wife, Karen, and works as a manager at a small equipment dealership. This is his first election, and he is running to give people an alternative vote for less government in their lives. He believes in the four core principles of the Ontario Libertarian Party: freedom, responsibility, respect, and fairness.

Michael encourages everyone to get out and vote for the candidate who best represents their values and beliefs.

William Joslin

Bill Joslin

I’m William Joslin, my friends call me Bill.

I have lived in North Simcoe all of my life. From Washago to Uhthoff to Orillia to Waubaushene. I’m a second generation railroader, 35 years in, and a third generation hunter. My family has been here for over 4 generations.

My parents and my grandparents imparted wisdom that stuck. Tell the truth. Work hard. A handshake means something, and you’re only as good as your word. Growing up on a farm helped to instill these values even more deeply. Every day, I make sure that I’m trying to live up to those words. Because……words have meaning!

It’s become fairly apparent that the “same old same” isn’t cutting it. Whether it’s a Liberal government, Conservative or some mashup of two parties to retain the upper hand. Be it federally or provincially, the job isn’t getting done. This is why I chose to be a candidate in the North Simcoe riding for this upcoming election. Not to win an election, but to create awareness. To provoke conversation and questions.

Progress and change will happen, must happen. But not to the detriment of those who choose to live simply. To live as generations have for decades. Farming needs to be prioritized. This is what feeds the population, but it is far from an attractive means of income or living, and that must be addressed. Grassroots methods are re-emerging. Small, local co-ops, backyard chicken coops, large individual produce gardens. These initiatives, along with entrepreneurial businesses that contribute to our communities, should be encouraged.

Constituents are often only voting for what they believe to be the lesser evil. What if, slowly, we were to realize that breaking away from that which has been stagnant for decades could afford us the voice we have missing for so long!?!?

I feel the core ideals of the Ontario Libertarian Party are in line with my own and might be yours as well. In their statement of principles, you will read; Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make.

This is something I’ve been saying for years because it was taught to me by my father and grandfather. Until the last provincial election I had never heard of the Ontario Libertarian Party but thanks to my disappointment in what I believed to be the only options, I started researching and have not only found a populace of like-minded people but a desire to share my newfound knowledge. And share I will, but I find it disheartening that the electoral system is so skewed. It should be a level playing field, not an opportunity for the show ponies with the most government, or more correctly, taxpayer money to parade around.

All I ask is that before February 27 people take some time to become more informed about the options available to them. Then, when the time comes, vote with a true heart. Not because it’s how your family has always voted. Or because it won’t really make any difference. Or because you don’t want to split votes. People fought and died for our freedom of choice. Use yours.

Zachary Tisdale

Zachary Tisdale

For his thoughts on news and politics, please visit Zachary on X:

Zachary Tisdale

Zachary believes the key to prosperity in Ontario is through reducing the size and cost of our provincial government, finding market-based solutions to economic issues, empowering business owners and encouraging foreign investment through lower taxes and deregulation, respecting personal expression to one's lifestyle, identity, and religion, defending property rights, individual rights, bodily autonomy, and the rights of parents to raise their children how they see fit, and by holding establishment political parties accountable for expensive and inefficient programs and lobbyist corruption.

He was inspired to enter politics after witnessing the vast government overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic as small businesses were destroyed by lockdowns, the rise in mental health and substance abuse issues from forced isolation, the failures of our healthcare system to provide us with adequate care, how people's medical rights were violated and their jobs taken away, property rights and travel rights were violated, how children's education and development was interrupted, how dissenting voices were vilified and silenced, how peaceful protests were violently suppressed, and the increase in censorship by the government, media organizations, and big technology companies.

Zachary lives in Lindsay, Ontario with his wife and their children. He grew up in Bradford and Aurora, and graduated from the University of Waterloo with a degree in Mathematics and Business Administration, with a minor in economics.

My Positions

Housing - Address the price of housing by reducing red tape for developers to build more homes! Encourage market solutions and competition to reduce the cost of rent! Ensure sustainable levels of immigration!

Healthcare & Education - Improve our healthcare system by introducing more options for care, while protecting universality and accessibility! Support Opt-In and Opt-Out legislation to give people more control. Respect individual's choices in regard to vaccinations and masks! Support parental rights over their children's education, reduce administrative costs and fight bureaucracy!

Jobs & the Economy - Fight inflation and rising cost-of-living by reducing the size and cost of government! Eliminate wasteful spending and handouts for special interest groups! Oppose the return of any COVID mandates and lockdowns! Advocate for those who lost their employment over their vaccination status! Encourage private-sector competition and free trade. Empower people and encourage businesses through deregulation and lower taxes! Reduce the HST from 13% to 10%! Eliminate the Carbon Tax! Reduce personal income taxes! Cut the Corporate Tax rate from 11.5% down to 10%, and then down to 8% within 5 years! End Corporate welfare! Pay down the provincial debt! Advocate for alternative currencies!

Coreen Corcoran


Coreen Corcoran has been a member of the OLP Executive since 2019. She was the Ontario Libertarian Party candidate for Ottawa-Vanier in 2022, and Nepean-Carleton in 2014. She was the Libertarian Party of Canada candidate for Ottawa-Vanier in 2015, and for Ottawa-Centre in 2019.

Coreen is running because she wants to spread different ideas about how the government fits into our lives. "We are battling against more than 50 years of increased government control over how we are allowed to live our lives.”

Less government control and more personal freedom to choose what is right for ourselves and our families will lead to a more prosperous Ontario.

More government handouts to individuals, and picking which companies and industries to bail out lead to less inspiration, imagination, and innovation. Ontario has an educated workforce that could become leaders in their respective industries if given the freedom to create without constraints imposed upon them through government regulation.

Coreen has lived in Ottawa most of her life, and also lived and worked in the United States and England. She grew up in Ottawa South and attended Carleton University, where she received a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree. In 2016, she completed a Master of Arts with a specialization in Global Change. She loves to travel and has visited many cities and countries. Each one has given her a new perspective on the way people around the world live. She shares her home in Beacon Hill with her husband Robin, their dog, and their two cats.