Renew Your Membership

Renewing your membership has never been easier!  As a Member or Associate, you must make a minimum donation of $20 each year, and you shape the direction and goals of the Party.  Just fill in the form below to renew your membership with us!

Please review our Privacy Policy before poviding personal information

To complete and mail in a paper copy of the membership form, you can download the PDF form here.

Note:  The Party must report to Elections Ontario the name, address and contributions of individuals who contribute more than $100 during the year.  Elections Ontario will make this information public. The Party will not share your information with any other organization without your permission. If you are not a resident of Ontario, you may become a member and pay $20 for a one-year membership.

Are you experiencing difficulties with this page, or would you like to provide more information?  You can fill out our regular membership form here.

Renew Your Membership and Consider an Additional Donation
Total Amount
Name and Address - Renewal
Payment Options
[x] I will send money by Interac E-Transfer or mail in a cheque