Toronto Libertarian Meetup

Next Meetup

Join us for an evening of discussion over dinner and/or drinks. Each table determines what they will discuss.

The question I would like you to consider and discuss at you table over dinner is this:

How do we counteract the "March of communists through our institutions?"

Today young students in our universities are being taught socialism/Communism. Our government has passed and is promising more legislation to 'solve' perceived problems, so we don't have to be responsible for them. They have 'educated' generations to beleive that government is the authority on what medical care you need, how our children need to be educated, and what is misinformation.

After dinner I will ask each table to describe their answer to this question as succinctly as possible.


Contact <> if you plan to attend so I can reserve enough tables. 
The entrance is on the east side of Mt. Pleasant, south of Eglinton. 
Free underground parking is available thru the yellow door south of the Granite  Brewery. 
Exchange your parking ticket for a token to get out. 
If you need a map, click on the link to the Granite Brewery above and then click on the [G] on the top right.