May 2020

Saturday in the Park

We Are All Essential

It was a beautiful day at Queen's Park on Saturday, as the rain clouds held their spring showers and the air was crisp but warm. I hopped out of an Uber a couple minutes past noon, wishing my driver a busy and safe day after spending the last 20 minutes discussing how slow he had been the past month and his inability to qualify for EI.

Why Do You Value One Life Over Another?

Woman Sitting in Window

Why do you value one life over another?

Over the last few weeks I have been asked if I value money over lives.

My question to them is why do you value one life over another?

This is usually meet with surprise and confusion, let me break it down.

Is the mental health of others not important?

Currently mental health is up 50% in Ontario since the lockdown, while call centers volunteer are down 20%.

What about increase suicides, do they not matter?